Top 10 Natural Ways To Boost Your Feel-Good Hormone Dopamine

 10 Natural Ways To Boost Your Feel-Good Hormone Dopamine

hi viewers and welcome back to another Bessey post. Dopamine is a major neurohormone that plays a major role in keeping you motivated, productive, and focused. It provides you with a zest for life. However, lifestyle habits diet, and illness can deplete dopamine levels which can drain the joy out of life. If you feel that you aren't happy and live your life to the fullest, a low dopamine level may be why. Fortunately, there are many ways by which you can increase its levels naturally and today's video will tell you what they are from meditating, cutting down on caffeine, losing weight, getting a massage to cutting down on processed sugars, and more watch until the end to learn about all of them. 

Number one gets plenty of sunlight.

Surrounding yourself with nature can have a strong impact on your state of mind. It can inspire a feeling of peace and meditative calmness. A lack of vitamin D can be correlated with depression. So going outdoors and getting regular exposure to the sun can help reduce depressive symptoms and increase dopamine levels. To counteract the wintertime blues in the colder months. You can try light therapy or vitamin D supplements to make up for any dopamine loss. Sunlight and subsequently vitamin D can influence your experience of positive emotions protect from depressive mood and anxiety as well as promote your energy and alertness. 

Number two, exercise regularly

Numerous studies have shown that exercise can help boost dopamine in the brain. exercising regularly for at least 20 minutes can help in improving your mood and mental health in general. It also helps in increasing the production of new brain cells as well as slows down the aging of brain cells.
Of course, another benefit of exercise is increased strength, mobility, flexibility, and overall fitness. When your body is fit and strong. You'll have more energy to do productive things and have less risk of pain and injury.

Number three, meditate

Meditation is the process of clearing your mind and allowing your thoughts to grow without judgment. There are so many forms of meditation that you can meditate while standing, sitting, or even walking. Studies show a 65% increase in dopamine from participants who meditated for an hour. The 65% increase was in comparison to simply sit quietly. Meditation has also been shown to be effective against a range of conditions both physically and mentally. These include depression, chronic pain, and anxiety. Addressing these conditions opens a door for you to increase dopamine levels. 

Number four, eat protein and probiotics

Your body creates dopamine with the amino acids in your body. These amino acids are found in foods like eggs, soy, beef, dairy, and legumes. Research shows that eating foods rich in protein can increase the amount of dopamine your body produces. Conversely, if you have a diet that does not include protein, you can exhaust your dopamine supply completely. In addition to more protein, you want to eat more probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that are good for you. Wow, that may not sound appetizing. Probiotics are really good for your digestive system and you can find them in supplements and foods like yogurt.

Number five, listen to your favorite music

Listening to music you enjoy releases dopamine in the brain and since pleasure signals to the rest of your body, the more pleasing the music is to the ear the more intensely pleasurable the experiences for the body. A study found that dopamine release was greater in participants when they listened to pleasurable music. This included music that gave me the chills or prompted a change in heart rate or breathing compared to when they listened to neutral music.

 Number six, get enough sleep

Your brain is normally flooded with dopamine in the morning, but its levels are depleted when it's time to go to bed. These regular rhythms are molested though when you're sleep-deprived one study showed that people who were forced to stay awake through the night have reduced availability of dopamine receptors The following morning. A lack of sleep also reduces your brain's dopamine sensitivity, causing you to feel excessively sleepy and high throughout the day. Making sure you get enough sleep and ensuring that it's high-quality sleep could help you keep your levels of dopamine balanced resultantly, you should feel more alert and better able to function. 

Number seven, cut down on caffeine

Even though coffee gives you the energy boost you need just like sugar, it only offers temporary relief. And this may actually be doing more harm after experiencing the initial kick. Caffeine offers dopamine levels in your body decrease. So go for a cup of decaf, or at least minimize drinking coffee to counter dopamine deficiency. Also, avoid those coffee drinks at cafes.

Number Eight. Celebrate the smallest victories

You've watched football players slam the ball and do a victory dance after scoring a touchdown. The thrill of victory feels sensational. Why? Because it releases a flood of dopamine. Unfortunately, those touchdown moments don't happen often in everyday life, but you can intentionally stimulate dopamine release by challenging yourself with new goals. Some dopamine is released whenever you achieve a goal large or small. So for example, if you have big goals to get organized, break them down into smaller goals. Each goal can be as simple as organizing your emails cleaning a closet or emptying your junk drawer. Every time you cross an item off your list, you should get a little surge of dopamine. Ideally, your goal should be hard because the more challenging your goal, the more accomplished you feel. And that translates into more dopamine acknowledge and savoring your victories every day for a daily dopamine boost. 

Number nine, lose weight

There's a strong link between obesity and dopamine dysfunction. People who are obese have fewer dopamine receptors than average. In fact, their brain's relationship with food is much like that of a drug addict. Since dopamine is in charge of the brain's pleasure center. Obese people receive less pleasure and satisfaction from eating compelling them to eat more. If you struggle with your weight. Consider intermittent fasting. Besides helping you lose weight, this timed approach to eating can help maintain the health of dopamine receptors. 

Number Tan, discover new things

Our distant ancestors were engaged in a constant quest just to survive they got a dopamine surge every time they spotted a new patch of berries or a better fishing spot because this meant survival. While you can still pick berries and fish there are endless other healthy ways you can enjoy the quest of living a modern life. You can forge new music special ingredients to cook with a bargain travel package, a hard-to-find collector's item, or that perfect gift for a loved one. You can engage in a quest-oriented hobby like geocaching genealogy, birdwatching, and collecting of all kinds. These kinds of hobbies are ideal for keeping up dopamine levels since there's always something new to be discovered. Each new discovery provides you with a dopamine boost.

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